Why Window Replacement Is a Task to Tackle Before Winter

Posted on: 26 October 2020


As you walk through your home, you can probably create a list of home improvement tasks and projects you would like to tackle in the near future. Some of those tasks you may want to postpone until the spring when the weather is more pleasant and the expensive holiday season has passed. Others, however, are really best tackled in the fall. Window replacement falls into the second category; it really is best to replace your windows before winter. Here's why.

You'll save money on energy.

One of the best things about modern windows is how energy-efficient they are. Efficiency is one of the top priorities of window manufacturers these days. Your old windows were not only made with less efficient methods originally, but they have probably also lost efficiency over time as the seals and weatherstripping have broken down. New windows will save you a bundle on your energy bills, so why not take advantage of that all winter when your heater has to do the most work?

You won't have to worry about water leaking in.

Old windows tend to get leaky, and these leaks tend to be the worst in the winter. All of the expansion and contraction that takes place when temperatures change can lead to the widening of any existing cracks in the window frame. Plus, snow can accumulate around the window and then melt, and the water will leak in. If you replace your windows before winter, you won't have to spend the winter months mopping water off the floor.

Your mold allergies may subside.

Do you suffer from mold allergies? There's a chance your old windows are contributing to the problem if they're leaking and getting everything damp. Where there is dampness, there is mold. If you don't want to be sneezing the days away while you're inside all winter, then replace your windows now, and nip mold growth in the bud.

You won't feel chilled whenever you're in front of the windows.

In a home with old windows, walking by the windows in winter can give you quite a chill. You certainly won't want to sit in front of a window while you work or watch TV. If you replace the windows now, you won't have to experience those nasty chills inside your home. New windows are made to be better insulated, so they'll keep your home warmer.

Window replacement is a good task to tackle before winter. Call a window replacement company or visit a site like https://kcglassinc.com/ to learn more.