Getting Your Yard Ready For Spring And Summer: What You Should Know

Posted on: 20 April 2015


When spring finally emerges after a long, cold winter, all you can think about is getting outside to enjoy the heat and warmth. And when you do get outside, you realize that you want to update and change your landscaping design. However, you may not know where to start with your yard work and re-designing. Get to know some of the ways that you can start getting your yard ready for spring and summer. Then, you can get started as soon as possible on enjoying the warm weather in your freshly re-landscaped yard with your friends and family.

Work On Those Trees

One of the first things you should do when the spring thaw begins is take a good look at all of the trees in your yard. Pay close attention to any low-hanging branches, branches that are cracked or damaged, or branches that are directly above your roof.

If you notice any of these issues, you can choose to trim or remove the branches yourself or call for professional tree services. Trimming your tree branches early in the season is better for your landscaping design as your view of any damage to the tree structure will not be obstructed by leaves, fruit, or blooming flowers. 

Additionally, reshaping your trees can greatly enhance the appearance of your yard. You will want to be sure that your trees provide enough shade to keep you cool on hot summer days, but not so much shade that no grass or flowers will grow in your yard. Professional tree services can help you to shape and trim your trees to ensure that you have the ideal amount of shade. 

Install Paths To Navigate Your Yard

Trimming your trees will help to protect your roof and ensure that you have the ideal amount of coverage and shade in your yard, and you will still want to be able to navigate your yard after a spring or summer rainstorm without getting covered in mud. To do so, you can install a set of stone pathways to navigate through your yard.

In spite of your best efforts, there are always areas in a yard where grass or other plants just do not want to grow. This is the best place to start your pathway. Use concrete pavers, bricks, or other stone tiles to create a path through your yard. You can build a solid path like a sidewalk or you can leave space between your pavers to make the path look more natural. 

Now that you have a few ideas of how to start getting your yard ready for spring and summer, you can get started on your yard re-design project. Then, you will look forward to a nice long spring and summer of outdoor activities. 

Talk to experts like Tree Sculptors for more information.